Saturday, July 6, 2013

Oracle Database -- Shrink Datafiles


You need to shrink datafiles


Use the below script to generate statements to shrink the datafiles to the smallest possible size

SELECT    'alter database datafile '
       || file_id
       || ' resize '
       || real_bytes
       || ';'
  FROM (SELECT /*+ ordered */ d.file_id,
d.bytes bytes,
f.real_blocks * t.block_size real_bytes,
d.bytes - f.real_blocks * t.block_size delta
FROM dba_data_files d,
dba_tablespaces t,
(SELECT file_id, MAX (block_id + blocks - 1) real_blocks
FROM dba_extents where rownum > 0
GROUP BY file_id) f
WHERE d.file_id = f.file_id and d.tablespace_name=t.tablespace_name) WHERE delta > 0

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